About Us

WordExcerpt is an entertainment platform bringing "bingeable" stories to readers everywhere. We help publishers and creators reach more readers globally while making amazing content available to readers, no matter where they are.

We Publish Great Books

WordExcerpt is driven by a shared passion for fiction—and a desire to contribute significantly to culture. From localization to editing to marketing to design, the WordExcerpt team is dedicated to bringing out unique content. WordExcerpt publishes major bestsellers and introduces exciting new voices to readers.

A Collaborative Team

WordExcerpt publishes outstanding books in serial, print, ebook, and audio formats, but also continually explores new ways to share WordExcerpt authors’ work on online platforms. The company cultivates a culture in which everyone is ready to help one another in the service of readers and authors.

WordExcerpt values the array of talents and perspectives that a diverse workforce brings. All qualified applicants will receive consideration without regard to race, national origin, religion, age, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or protected veteran status.

Our Openings

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